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Write a C program to reverse the string without using strrev() ?

This is simple logic which can reverse whole string without using library function strrev( ) or any other temporary string, we just use one temporary char variable. 


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>

void main()
   char str[10],temp;
   int i,len;
   printf("Enter String : ");
   printf("\nReverse string :%s",str);


Probable errors : Here strlen( ) gives you the length of string without null character and we minus 1 from complete length because our for loop will start with 0(zero). If you do not minus length of string by 1 then your printf function will not print anything because you shift last null character on first position and string will end before start.

Reverse string using recursion


#define MAX 10		// Maximum size of string

/* Reverse the String using Recursion */
char* ReverseString(char *str)
    static int i=0;
    static char rev[MAX];

         rev[i++] = *str;		

    return rev;		// Return index of array every time

/* Main method */
int main()
   	char str[MAX];
    printf (" %s \n", ReverseString(str));
	return 0;



Reverse a string without using strrcv


Suggested Reading

  1. Write a C program to reverse the words in a sentence in place
  2. Write your own trim() or squeeze() function to remove the spaces from a string
  3. Write a C program which does wildcard pattern matching algorithm

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