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Write a C program to convert Little to Big endian integer

What is Endianess ?

Little and Big Endian are the ways of storing multi-byte data likes int, float, double etc.

Little Endian

In little endian machines, last byte of binary representation of the multi-byte data is stored first.

Big Endian

In big endian machines, first byte of binary representation of the multibyte data is stored first.


Write a C program to convert Little endian to Big endian integer


Code to convert Little endian integer to Big endianĀ 

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned int LitToBigEndian(unsigned int x);

int main( )
	int Little_Endian = 0xAABBCCDD ;
	printf("\n Little_Endian = 0x%X\n",Little_Endian);
	printf("\n Big_Endian    = 0x%X\n",LitToBigEndian(Little_Endian));


unsigned int LitToBigEndian(unsigned int x)
	return (((x>>24) & 0x000000ff) | ((x>>8) & 0x0000ff00) | ((x<<8) & 0x00ff0000) | ((x<<24) & 0xff000000));



Write a C program to convert Little endian to Big endian integer