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all logic gate implementation using 8051

Working of all logic gates with 8051 project

After  power supply is turned on ,first we  select the logic gate. At one time we  choose only one gate by pressing switch of corresponding gate. When logic gate is selected , corresponding led start glowing. After that there is two input are provided ,if input led glow means logic 1 otherwise logic 0. At output, one led is provided , if led glow means output is logic 1 otherwise logic 0.

1. Circuit Diagram of all logic gates with 8051

all logic gate implementation using 8051

1. Program of all logic gates with 8051

WHAT PROGRAM DO:- Program of Visitor Counter with 8051 using LCD


sbit x=P1^0;
sbit y=P1^1;

sbit and=P2^0;  // and gate
sbit or=P2^1;   // or gate
sbit nand=P2^2; // nand gate
sbit nor=P2^3;  // nor gate
sbit xor=P2^4;  // xor gate
sbit xnor=P2^5; // xnor gate
sbit out=P3^0;  // output

main program

void main ()
	unsigned char a,b,c,d,i,j;
					out=x & y;
				else if(or==0)
					out=x | y;
				else if(nand==0)
					a=x & y;
					out=! a;
				else if(nor==0)
					a=x | y;
					out=! a;
				else if(xor==0)
					a=! x;
					b=! y;
					c=x & b;
					d=y & a;
					out=c | d;
				else if(xnor==0)
					a=x & y;
					b=! x;
					c=! y;
					d=b & c;
					out=a | d;

PROTEUS File for SIMULATION(Password Of RAR file is :-firmcodes.com)

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