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Brief Description about Project –
This project uses message queue communication service of Linux . This project uses a file handling concept of C programming language to store login ID’s and Password’s in database. It uses a message queue to communicate between two clients.
Understand Message Queue Communication –
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<sys/ipc.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/msg.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<string.h> struct whatsapp { char id[20]; char pswd[20]; }; struct whatsapp user1; void login(FILE *); void send(); void rec(); void signup(FILE *); struct msgqbuf { long mtype; char mtext[50]; }; typedef struct msgqbuf msgque; int main() { int i,z; FILE *fp; char ch; char str[50]; fp=fopen("database","r+"); if(fp==NULL) { perror("\nError in opening file...\n"); exit(1); } do { system("clear"); printf("\n************************\n* Linux Chat Messenger *\n************************\n\n"); printf("Enter Choices:\n\n1.Login\n\n2.New User\n\n"); scanf("%d",&i); switch(i) { case 1: rewind(fp); login(fp); break; case 2: signup(fp); break; default: printf("\nInvalid Options\n"); } sleep(5); system("clear"); printf("\nDo U wish to continue chat....\nY:Yes\nN:No\n"); scanf(" %c",&ch); }while(ch=='y'||ch=='Y'); fclose(fp); return 0; } void send() { int msgqid,siz,siz1,i,client_id,ans; char ch,client_[2]; msgque q,q1; printf("\nEnter Client ID to chat:-\n"); printf("Client ID's are:\n1.ID-0 Name-Mohit\n2.ID-1 Name-Manoj\n"); scanf("%d",&client_id); switch(client_id) { case 0: msgqid=msgget(1234,0666|IPC_CREAT); if(msgqid==-1) { perror("\nMsg Queue Can't Create...\n"); exit(1); } else { printf("\nMsg Queue Created Successfully...\n"); q.mtype=0; send_again: printf("\nEnter Message:\n"); scanf("%s",q.mtext); while(strcmp(q.mtext,"bye")!=0) { siz=msgsnd(msgqid,q.mtext,strlen(q.mtext),0); if(siz==-1) { perror("\nMsg Sending Failed....\n"); exit(1); } else if(siz==0) { printf("\nMsg Sent Successfully...\n"); printf("\nWhat do you want now?\n1.Send\n2.Recieve\n"); scanf("%d",&ans); if(ans==1) { goto send_again; } else { rec(); } } } } // rec(); break; case 1: msgqid=msgget(1234,0666|IPC_CREAT); if(msgqid==-1) { perror("\nMsg Queue Can't Create...\n"); exit(1); } else { printf("\nMsg Queue Created Successfully...\n"); q.mtype=0; again_send2: printf("\nEnter Message:\n"); scanf("%s",q.mtext); while(strcmp(q.mtext,"bye")!=0) { siz=msgsnd(msgqid,q.mtext,strlen(q.mtext),0); if(siz==-1) { perror("\nMsg Sending Failed....\n"); exit(1); } else if(siz==0) { printf("\nMsg Sent Successfully...\n"); printf("\nWhat do you want now?\n1.Send\n2.Recieve\n"); scanf("%d",&ans); if(ans==1) { goto again_send2; } else { rec(); } } } } break; default: break; } } void rec() { int msgqid,siz,siz1,i,ans; char ch; msgque q,q1; msgqid=msgget(1234,0666|IPC_CREAT); if(msgqid==-1) { perror("\nMsg Queue Can't Create...\n"); exit(1); } else { printf("\nMsg Queue Created Successfully...\n"); q.mtype=0; printf("\nNow reading\n"); while(strcmp(q.mtext,"bye")!=0) { siz=msgrcv(msgqid,q.mtext,BUFSIZ,0,0); if(siz1==-1) { perror("\nMsg Recieve Error\n"); exit(1); } else { printf("\nMsg Recieved Successfully...\n"); printf("\nMsg:%s\tSize:%d\n",q.mtext,siz); printf("\nWhat do you want now?\n1.Send\n2.Recieve\n"); scanf("%d",&ans); if(ans==1) { send(); } else { rec(); } } } } } void login(FILE *fp) { int k,z; char u[20],p[20],ch; int n=0; system("clear"); printf("\nLogin into your messenger\n"); printf("\nWarning:3 attempts only\n"); login: fread(&user1,sizeof(user1),1,fp); printf("\nEnter User ID:"); scanf("%s",u); printf("\nEnter Password:"); scanf("%s",p); if(strcmp(user1.id,u)==0 && strcmp(user1.pswd,p)==0) { printf("Congratulations!"); sleep(1); system("clear"); printf("\nChoose what to do???\n1:Send a Message\n2.Read a message\n"); scanf("%d",&z); if(z==1) send(); else if(z=2) rec(); } else { while(n<2) { n++; printf("\nIncorrect user-id or password,%d trials left.\n",3-n); goto login; if(n==3) { printf("\nTry Later\n"); break; } } } } void signup(FILE *fp) { int st=0,num=0,i,chr=0; again: num=0; chr=0; printf("\nEnter Mobile Number as a User ID to Create:\n"); scanf("%s",&user1.id); for(i=1;i<strlen(user1.id);i++) { if(user1.id[i]>'0' && user1.id[i]<='9') { num=1; } else if(user1.id[i]>='a' && user1.id[i]<='z' || user1.id[i]>='A' && user1.id[i]<='Z') { chr=1; } } if(chr==1 && num==1) { goto again; } else if(chr==1) { goto again; } else { st=1; } printf("\nEnter password to Create:\n"); scanf("%s",&user1.pswd); st=2; printf("\nCongratulations.....Your registration is Completed...Thank You!!\n\n \nYou are being redirected to Main Portal.....\n"); switch(st) { case 2: fwrite(&user1,sizeof(user1),1,fp); printf("\nRecord saved successfully\n"); break; default: perror("\nData can't be saved because of wrong entries.\n"); exit(1); } sleep(1); }
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