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  • The most simple way to check for n’s divisibility by 9 is to do n%9.
  • Another method is to sum the digits of n. If sum of digits is multiple of 9, then n is multiple of 9. 
  • The above methods are not bitwise operators based methods and require use of ‘%’ and ‘/’. The bitwise operators are generally faster than modulo and division operators. Following is a bitwise operator based method to check divisibility by 9.


using namespace std;
// Bitwise operator based function to check multiple of 9
bool isMulOf9(int n)
    // Base cases
    if (n == 0 || n == 9)
        return true;
    if (n < 9)
        return false;
    // if the number is greater than 9, then do this 
    return isMulOf9((int)(n>>3) - (int)(n&7));
int main()
    if( isMulOf9(18) )
          cout << "Given Number is multiple of 9 \n" << endl;
          cout << "Given Number is not multiple of 9 \n" << endl;

    return 0;


 Code Explanation 

  • Here we pass number 18 as a function argument, which is multiple of 9.
  • When first time function call occur, it checks for first two condition which becomes false, then it goes to return statement which work like follow
/* Bit Maigc */

(int)(n>>3) =  (18>>3)   = (0001 0010/Binary representation of 18/ >> 3) = 0000 0010

(int)(n&7)  = (18 & 7)   = (0001 0010 & 0000 0111) = 0000 0010

(int)(n>>3) - (int)(n&7) = 0


  •  Now return statement’s return value is zero(‘0’),
  • And second time recursive call occur which returns true, means number is multiple of 9.  

Suggested Reading

  1. Write a Macro’s Set,clear and toggle n’th bit using bit wise operators?
  2. Write a c program to implement XOR functionality with out using XOR(^) operator
  3. How to turn off a particular bit in a number?

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